Thursday, 16 February 2012

Exposure For Outdoor Photography

In the interest of full disclosure, I do make a small commission if you purchase your eBooks using the links on the bottom of this page. If you do chose to purchase this eBook, or any other from Craft & Vision, I would appreciate it if you enter their websites using these links; doing so will keep reviews like this one coming to my blog.

The latest Craft & Vision release comes from Michael Frye. You may remember Michael from an eBook released last year by Craft & Vision, titled “Light & Land”. That eBook was a great guide to working with landscapes in the Digital Darkroom.This time around, the focus in on capturing great images to start with.

Michael Frye’s new release is titled “Exposure For Outdoor Photography”. Capturing photographs correctly in camera is discussed in great detail in this eBook. Although Michael discusses exposing for landscape photographs specifically, much of what he says is important no matter what you take photos of. The eBook starts with a discussion of the exposure triangle, i.e. aperture, shutter speed, ISO and how they relate to each other. If you are looking to take your camera out of Automatic or Program mode, then this will be a fantastic lesson to get you started. Even if you are somewhat comfortable with these numbers and what you control with them, this refresher will likely be helpful. After several pages of teaching exposure, as well as how to read the much under used histogram, Michael moves onto case studies based on his own photographs. He gives ten excellent examples, explaining why he made the choices he made, providing histograms and differently exposed versions of the images. In one case study Michael explains the zone system, something I had recently started using before I read the eBook. The zone system is a great way of visualizing and defining where you place the values in your image, and I highly recommend it. Michael offers a very good, concise explanation of it, and then gives you a practical example to help get your mind working. After a few more case studies, including one on HDR and exposure blending, the eBook is neatly wrapped up, leaving you feeling very comfortable with the numbers that define your photographs.

If you are a seasoned pro, then this might not be the eBook for you. There aren’t a lot of grand revelations or secrets here. However, if you are stuck on auto or just simply are not comfortable using the manual controls on your camera, then this eBook is perfect for you. Again, although it is tailored towards landscape photography, much of it is relevant to anything you are shooting. If you want to get more serious about your photos and stop letting the engineer who designed your camera decide your exposure, you should buy this eBook. Reading it will be a giant leap towards taking full control of your images.

For the next five days you can get “Exposure For Outdoor Photography” for $4, just use the promo code EXPOSURE4. You can also can 20% off if you buy 5 or more Craft & Vision eBooks, just use the promo code EXPOSURE20. Both codes expire on February 20th, after that the eBook is $5.

Check out “Exposure For Outdoor Photography” here

And don’t forget to check out the rest of Craft & Vision’s library here

Don’t forget to stay tuned to my blog for future Craft & Vision releases, reviews, and discounts. You could also follow me on Twitter (@NRWL), and I’ll let you know when something new comes out.

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