Thursday, 1 September 2011

Take your head out of your blog

After a day at sea off of Canada’s east coast, I was going to pass some time by writing a quick piece about the emptiness and lack of inspiration provided by a sea void of islands and boats. Just as I was about to start, I noticed clouds had moved in front of the quickly setting sun. I quickly grabbed my 7D and my 70-200 and snapped away.

(For some reason the image won't appear on the blog, so here is a link to it, I'll figure it out when I'm back home)

Sunset on the Ocean

The point of this is that sometimes you just have to look up and give your head a shake to get out of that creative rut. A great image is never far away.

-Nick Larson; written August 30th, 2011 somewhere off of Canada’s east coast

PS- I had a great new project planned, but Hurricane Irene blew my plans out the window. Now I’m going to be doing something smaller; more info to come soon.

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