Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Beyond Thirds

In the interest of full disclosure, I do make a small commission if you purchase your eBooks using the link on the bottom of this page. If you do chose to purchase this eBook, or any other from Craft & Vision, I would appreciate it if you enter the site using this link; doing so will keep reviews like this one coming to my blog.

No matter where I am or what I’m doing, I always am extremely excited to receive an email from Craft & Vision. Seeing those words in my inbox usually means one thing: A new eBook. Like most of people in the photo business, I live an extremely busy life. I get through as many regular books as I can, but it takes me quite a while. This is one of the reasons I love Craft & Vision: I can throw one of their eBooks on my iPad and get through it in a week in my free time. With those hours I spend in the eBook, I improve my technique immensely. I improve my knowledge. And, as is often most important for me: I’m creatively inspired.

Today I am very happy to announce the latest Craft & Vision eBook: “Beyond Thirds”. This eBook comes to us from photographer and author Andrew S. Gibson. Andrew also wrote “The Evocative Image”, one of my favorites from the Craft & Vision collection.
“Beyond Thirds” is a beautiful book. I’m a big fan of Andrew’s photos, and there are quite a few great ones here. Although this eBook is not as long as the last release from Craft & Vision, there is still way more than $5 worth of content here. Composition is very important in photography; I took a university course focused almost entirely just on this subject. That being said, it’s amazing how well composition is covered here. I’m not going to claim reading this is better than taking a university course, but the value for your dollar sure is.

Composition is key in photography; right up there with lighting in my opinion. If you are are the type of photographer, amateur or pro, who likes to get out and take pictures in the real world unaided by studio lighting then composition is extremely important. Composition is also very important in studio, but there you have other elements at play which can define your photograph. No matter what kind of photographer you are, composition often will be the make or break aspect of your work.

Andrew starts this book by talking about the rule of thirds, and he gives the best definition I’ve ever heard. There’s a clear definition and an example; just like everything he talks about in this eBook. He then talks about working beyond the rule of thirds, balance and stability, focal point, cropping your photos, use of subtlety, working a subject, and more. These are all things you should pay attention to. Whether you are looking for an introduction to composition, a refresher, or just some inspiration, you should get this eBook.

For the next five days, you can use the code BT4 to get “Beyond Thirds” for only $4. You can also use the code BT20 and get 20% off when you buy 5 or more PDF eBooks from Craft & Vision. These codes expire 11:59pm PST November 19th, 2011.

Click here to visit the product page for Beyond Thirds

Click here to visit the main page for Craft & Visions eBook collection.

In the future, if you want the heads up for when Craft & Vision releases a new eBook, plus links to my blog where you will have access to reviews and discount codes, follow me on Twitter.

1 comment:

  1. Also check out "Square", another fantastic eBook by Andrew S Gibson: http://nick-larson.blogspot.com/2011/11/square.html
